
From Conflict to Resolution: Effective Communication Strategies for Tenant Disputes in Dubai


Dubai’s vibrant rental market offers a diverse range of properties for residents. However, even in paradise, disagreements between tenants and landlords can arise. A 2022 survey by Bayut, a prominent Dubai property portal, revealed that 38% of tenants reported experiencing at least one issue with their landlord during their tenancy.

These disputes range from minor inconveniences like maintenance delays to major issues like rent increases or unclear lease terms. Fortunately, with effective communication strategies, many of these conflicts can be resolved amicably, saving both parties time, money, and frustration.

Legal Framework for Tenant Disputes in Dubai

Dubai’s legal system provides a structured approach to resolving tenant disputes, primarily through the Rental Dispute Centre (RDC), governed by the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA). The laws regulating tenancy agreements, disputes, and resolutions are encapsulated in Federal Law No. 26 of 2007, amended by Law No. 33 of 2008, which covers landlords’ roles, rights, and obligations.​

Common Tenant-Landlord Disputes in Dubai

Rent-related issues

  • Unpaid rent and late payments: This is a significant concern for landlords and can lead to eviction proceedings if not resolved promptly.
  • Unexpected rent increases: Dubai has regulations around rent increases, so it’s important for both tenants and landlords to be familiar with the Rental Increase Law.
  • Security deposit disputes: Tenancy agreements should clearly outline what deductions can be made from the security deposit at the end of the lease. Following the guidelines set out in the tenancy agreement can help avoid conflict.

Maintenance concerns

  • Delays in repairs: Landlords are responsible for ensuring the property is habitable and that repairs are carried out promptly. Tenants should keep clear records of any repair requests they make.
  • Who’s responsible for repairs? Generally, landlords are responsible for structural issues and wear and tear, while tenants are responsible for damages they cause. The tenancy agreement should clarify this.
  • Malfunctioning amenities: Tenants have the right to expect amenities advertised as part of the rental agreement to be in good working order.

Lease agreement misinterpretations

  • Unclear or ambiguous clauses: Both parties need to have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations. If the wording in the agreement is unclear, it can lead to disputes later on.
  • Disputes over rights and obligations: Having a well-written tenancy agreement that anticipates potential issues can help minimize disagreements. If you are unsure about any clauses, seek clarification before signing the agreement.

Noise complaints

  • Disruptive neighbors: Living in close quarters can sometimes lead to noise issues. Many buildings have rules regarding noise levels and curfews.
  • Excessive noise from a tenant: Landlords have the right to address noise complaints from other tenants and may take action against the tenant causing the disturbance.

Pet policies:

  • Violations of pet restrictions: Some buildings have restrictions on pets. Be sure to understand the pet policy before moving in with a pet.
  • Pet-related damages: Tenants are generally responsible for any damage caused by their pets.

By understanding these common disputes and familiarizing yourself with Dubai’s tenant-landlord laws, you can help ensure a smoother and more harmonious experience as a tenant or landlord in Dubai.

Effective Communication Techniques for Landlords

Effective communication is crucial for a smooth and successful landlord-tenant relationship. Here’s a breakdown of the techniques mentioned, along with some additional tips:

1. Maintain Clear Documentation:

  • Solid Tenancy Contract: Have a well-written contract outlining tenant rights and responsibilities, adhering to RERA guidelines. This includes outlining:
    • Rent amount and due date
    • Maintenance procedures
    • Termination clauses
    • Dispute resolution mechanisms
  • Detailed Records: Keep copies of all communication (emails, signed agreements, receipts) for future reference. This will be helpful in case of disputes.

2. Practice Active Listening:

  • Hear, Not Just Wait: When a tenant has a concern, actively listen to their perspective.
  • Acknowledge and Avoid Interruption: Show them you understand their point of view by summarizing their concerns and avoiding interrupting. This builds trust and fosters a collaborative environment where solutions can be found together.

3. Clear and Timely Communication:

  • Address Issues Promptly: Don’t let problems fester. Address maintenance requests or any other concerns promptly to prevent them from escalating.
  • Clarity and Professionalism: When communicating, be clear, concise, and professional. Outline the solutions you propose or the next steps you’ll take.

4. Utilize Available Resources:

  • Dubai’s Rental Dispute Settlement Centre (RDSC): Take advantage of the RDSC’s mediation and arbitration services. This can be a faster and more affordable way to resolve disputes than going to court.
  • Legal Expertise: Consider contacting the Law Society of the UAE for legal advice for complex situations.

Bonus Tip:

  • Maintain a Professional Tone: During disagreements, maintain a professional and respectful tone in all communication. This helps keep emotions in check and facilitates a more productive resolution.


Resolving tenant disputes in Dubai requires effective communication, a clear understanding of legal rights and obligations, and, when necessary, the strategic use of legal resources. By following these structured approaches, tenants and landlords can navigate disputes with greater ease and effectiveness, leading to fair outcomes and maintaining professional relationships.

For more detailed guidance, consider consulting legal professionals and exploring the resources offered by RERA and the RDC to ensure that you are fully informed and prepared to address any disputes that may arise.

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